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Cut Up T-Shirt Designs: Easy Step to Get Yours

Cut Up T-Shirt Designs: Easy Step to Get Yours

Since there are more styles in fashion is available, cut up t-shirt designs will be the next thing that you might need to try. It is simple details you find to get this stylish t-shirt for your own. This is the way you can make your t-shirt into something that more exciting. It is a simple way to turn your old t-shirt.

Cut Up T-Shirt Designs: Easy Step to Get Yours

When some people think that this is a quite difficult thing to do, there are tutorials available to help everyone make their own cut-up t-shirt designs. This is the solution that will be very helpful for everyone that comes with their old t-shirt and doesn’t know what they will do with it. Just follow this simple instruction below to find out the easiest way to make such a creative design of your old t-shirt. As you learn how to cut up your t-shirt in simpler design, you can prepare several things that you need to make such a design with your old t-shirt.

Cut Up T-Shirt Designs – Things You Have to Do

Cut Up T-Shirt Designs: Easy Step to Get Yours

To make such cut up t-shirt designs, you need the one and only tool to help you get yours. A scissor will be very helpful in this process of making your own cut-up t-shirt. For the best result, you need the one that designs to cut fabric. However, the common type of scissor will also work for you to help you get the best result of cut-up design. These are the steps to make your cut up t-shirt.

Cut Up T-Shirt Designs: Easy Step to Get Yours

First, you need to prepare an old t-shirt on a flat surface. A flat surface is also important during this process so that you need to prepare it as well.

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Second, it’s time to cut your old t-shirt. A slit about 1 inch away from the seam of the sleeve on both sides is enough. Later, you will use those slits to continue cutting near the collar line for an elegant look when you pair it with a tank top.

Third, we will move to the back of the t-shirt. This time you need to fold the back of the t-shirt in a half. In this position, you can cut straight lines on the back of the t-shirt. Cut it about a width of a finger. You can cut according to what you want.

Fourth, you can now stretch it and pull it. It is the beginning step of making your old shirt into creative artwork. The point is that you need to make a loop from the second string that you have made. Pull it up behind the first string and pull it down in front of it. Now you can continue on the third string with quite the same way until you do it on all strings you have made. Once you reach the last bottom string, you can cut it and tie it.

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